Are Crypto Pump groups profitable for new-comers in 2021? Update #4 — My second pump!

4 min readJan 9, 2021


Part 1: Are Crypto Pump Groups Profitable for new-comers in 2021?
Part 2: Update #1 — Strategy
Part 3: Update #2 — My first pump!
Part 4: Update #3 — Strategy for next pump
Part 5: This post

I would have loved to start this post with a big “I made some profit!”, but sadly the Pump Gods were against me on this pump… or the whole thing is a big scam. It’s looking very likely that it’s a scam as expected, but I’m not ready to give up yet.

While this whole pump and dump thing is clearly fraudulent, if we drill into the 1 second graph of this pump’s coin, EVX, we can see that there was an extreme amount of volume at what looks to be around 9 seconds past the scheduled pump time according to TradingView’s clock.

I guess this just means that the organizers shared the coin according to their own clock that happened to be a few seconds behind TradingView’s. I would say that the coin was actually shared at 8 seconds past the hour and the first trade executions were done by speedy scripts at 9 seconds past the hour.

I’ve joined a whole bunch more crypto pump groups over the last day and there are a heap of people that have written scripts to attempt to beat the crowd, some using OCR and some having a manual input for the coin name. I feel like I’ll need to get on the OCR horse to have any chance of competing.

The script that I wrote had a manual input, so I had to wait for the image to arrive on my machine, have the Discord UI display the image and then wait for my peanut brain to tell my fingers to type the coin symbol. Wasting valuable seconds.

As we can see in the graph above, if you managed to buy in the 1st or 2nd second after the coin was announced you had a chance to turn a profit, otherwise you were likely going to get dumped on.

Because I had to wait on Discord (I had Telegram open on my phone and on a web browser, too — both were seconds slower than Discord) to display the coin name, then I had to manually input it, I managed to execute my trades at 13 seconds past the hour — 5 seconds after the coin was announced.

You’ll be able to see above that 5 seconds in this world is also pretty fatal. The coin did actually increase another 10% before totally crashing, but my script didn’t do the limit sell orders correctly (it attempted to add the limit sell orders below the minimum trade amount) so I missed out on any sales that might have triggered.

Another thing I forgot to do in my script was set a stop-loss order. So even if I bought at the peak like I did, I should have been able to protect my investment by only risking 10% by setting a stop-loss order. Lesson for next time!

After 30 seconds I pulled the pin and sold at market to lose a whopping 62% of my $20 investment.

I’ve also seen countless messages in almost all of the pump groups I’m in that have people losing thousands on these pumps. Pretty sickening to know that when they inevitably lose their Bitcoin, there will be a heap of new people with FOMO to take their place and keep the Ponzi scheme going until Bitcoin has a correction and the hype dies down.

Can we predict the coin?

There is stiff competition to get the trade on quick enough to beat the other scripts, so maybe we’re better off attempting to predict the coin in the time leading up to the scheduled pump time?

If we look at the EVX graph in the 30 minutes leading up to the pump today, we can see that there is significant movement in both price and volume compared to what it was previously.

This is definitely worth exploring further.

Ideas to be faster

  1. Write script that consumes the Discord message at the scheduled pump time and use OCR to extract the coin name, then execute the trades automatically

Ideas that aren’t shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted

  1. Use price movement and volume indicators to load up on the potential pump coins 30 minutes before pump time

Check in for more updates soon!

If you’re keen to get involved, here are the groups I’m currently a member of:

Big Pump Signal — Discord
ThePump — Discord
PumpIt — Discord
Pump Makers, Risk Takers — Discord
Fire Pump Signal — Discord
Giga Chad’s Pump ‘n Dump Fraternity — Discord
Insider Pump Signals — Discord
Monster Pump — Bitcoin Investment — Discord
Pump Central — Discord
United Binance Pump — Discord
Nuclear Pump Signals — Discord

